Given all that has gone on with our well as me personally....I felt lead to deliver a message on "perseverance".
And since this past Sunday was Super Bowl Sunday....what better way to talk about perseverance than to offer up a good football-related story about the same subject? I found such a story in "Inky Johnson". Inky was a celebrated cornerback with the University of Tennessee Volunteers who overcame incredible odds.....having grown up on the wrong side of Atlanta amidst gangs, drugs, violence and a fragile home life. And despite his small, scrappy frame...Inky was getting noticed from any number of NFL scouts. But on an average Saturday during an average (at best) contest with Air Force....Inky would suffer a rare, tragic injury that would stop his football career dead in its tracks.
Now unless you are a die-hard UT Volunteers fan, you have probably never heard of Inky Johnson. And it would be very easy to lump him together with so many star athletes who fade from the scene after injuries and life struggles. But Inky's story is remarkable....not for what he accomplished....but for how he faced his circumstances.
I latched on to Inky's story because I wanted a good juicy tale about ...."enduring"....."knuckling down and getting through it"......"grinning and bearing it"......whatever you might call it. After all, I needed something to fit my preconceived notions....a story that would neatly fit the direction I thought my sermon would take.
But I didn't see any of what I expected in Inky's tale. I found a young man that always seemed to have a positive attitude. Who not only endured his circumstances but embraced them.....and used his tragedies to show what faith in Christ really means. The events in his life allowed his character to be shaped, molded....all the while becoming a better man in Christ. Perhaps I just didn't understand the true meaning of "perseverance".
As it turns out, Inky Johnson understood the scriptural message of perseverance much more clearly than did I.
For this particular sermon, I studied four particular New Testament passages on the subject:
Romans 5:1 - 5
1 Corinthians 13:7
Hebrews 12
Revelation 2:1 - 3
James 1:1 - 12
What I found surprised me. Looking at these passages and taking into account the nuances of the text (with specific focus on James 1:1 - 12) seems that God intended perseverance as a means for a good end...not bad or negative....and not something simply to "live through"....but to "live for". Perseverance is not simply bearing's turning them into something positive....something glorifying. According to scripture, persevering is not passive either. It's an active process whereby believers take something that might otherwise be tragic and turn it into something that honors God and shows others what faith (in action) can really do. Here the complete notes and audio recording of Sunday's sermon:
Sermon Notes - "A Call to Perseverance"
Audio Recording of Sermon
By the way....after his injury, Inky would go on to finish college, publish a book, speak tirelessly to groups of athletes about his Christian faith...and as we showing others the love of Christ.
Have a great week!
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